NERGG's 46th Annual Educational Conference
December 7-8, 2023
Secure Online Event Registration
2023 Conference Agenda.pdf
The National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) has authorized NERGG, Inc. to offer up to 1.1 CEUs or 11 Category 1 contact hours for the activity NERGG 46th Annual Educational Conference 2023. The American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC) will accept CEUs earned at this program for the purposes of Genetic Counselor recertification.
Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Registration fee $280 for 2 days; $190 for 12/7 only; $120 for 12/8 only.
50% discounts available for students.
Direct line for reservations: 888-627-7138