Participant Contact Information

Registration Information

>>> Valid codes: STU; SPE; SPON (for Students, Speakers, Sponsors)

Suggested Amounts

Special Needs or Preferences

I have other SPECIAL NEEDS requiring accommodation




Terms & Agreements

All registration packages include the meals and breaks described in the agenda for that day. Food is ordered in advance, so there are no refunds for registration after November 13. Please make your own arrangements for overnight accommodations at the Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel, by calling 888-627-7138 before 11/6/23 and mentioning the NERGG conference for the reduced price of $164/night plus 8.5% tax. There are a limited number of rooms set aside at this rate. The hotel is located at 250 Market St, Portsmouth, NH 03801. Discounted self-parking @ $20 per car per night. Walk-ins to the conference are welcome if space allows, for an additional $50 fee. Cash or check only. Thank you!

*What is a CVV code?  It is 3 numbers on the back of your credit card of 4 numbers on the front if you use AMEX.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software